Take advantage of excellent borrowing conditions for your new home purchase with Hausing Mortgages.

As a small independent team of mortgage brokers with access to finance products from a range of banks, credit unions, and other lenders, Hausing Mortgages works tirelessly for clients to deliver the best possible solution and ensure their new home purchase process is an exciting one.

Based on your personal financial situation, we research and present you with finance products from banks or other lenders who provide:

1. Competitive interest rates

2. A mortgage structure that suits your lifestyle and financial situation.

3. Pre-approval limit to give you confidence at auction

With interest rates at record lows, financial institutions are offering great mortgage packages to secure your business. Take advantage of what’s on offer through Hausing Mortgages.

Types of mortgage products Hausing Mortgages may present include:

Variable Loans

offer flexibility instead of a locked in interest rate

Fixed Loans

are a locked in interest rate which give you predictable repayment amounts.

Split Loans

offer the flexibility of a variable loan and stable repayments of a fixed loan.

Construction Loans

suit those looking to build brand new

Hausing Mortgages staff clearly explain everything you need to know before buying your new home and help you determine:

  • Your borrowing capacity based on your deposit and personal finances
  • Your fortnightly/monthly re-payment amount
  • The best mortgage solution

* Hausing Mortgages staff are more than happy to discuss your new home purchase over the phone and welcome you at our Burwood office to present the finer details of mortgage options.

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